zz – Obsolete


CD12-12, OEC12-01 January 30, 2012; CD09-06, OEC09-02 January 14, 2009; CD08-40, OEC08-4 June 27, 2008

Changes in income or household size may result in a change in the sliding fee amount.

  1. For an increase in the sliding fee:
    • Send an Adverse Action Notice to the family to notify them of the increase in their portion of the child care costs.
    • The system will update the family eligibility data if the family does not appeal the notice of adverse action.
    • Once the adverse action period expires, the system will send a notice to the family and the provider of the change in the sliding fee amount.
    • The increase in the sliding fee is effective with the month after the notice of adverse action expires.
  2. For a reduction in sliding fee:
    • Update the family eligibility data in the system.
    • Send a notice to the family and provider of the change in the sliding fee amount.
    • The reduction in the sliding fee amount is effective in the month the respective change is reported.
  3. For a decrease in benefit level for Transitional Child Care benefit households:
    • Send a Notice of Adverse Action to the family to notify them of the decrease in the FSD payment amount.
    • The system will update the family eligibility data if the family does not appeal the notice of adverse action.
    • The system will send a notice to the family and the provider of the change in the child/ren’s daily rates.
    • The benefit change is effective with the month after the notice of adverse action expires.