CD13-87, OEC13-13 September 12, 2013, CD12-24, OEC12-05 February 29, 2012
Eligibility Specialist Supervisors will review a minimum of three child care cases each month. This requirement is three (3) reviews per supervisor, not per Eligibility Specialist (ES). Reviews are to be completed for non-probationary staff and can be completed in conjunction with reviews for other types of public assistance programs. All child care case reviews are to be entered in the Case Review System (CRS) and submitted to the ES within 30 days of the end of the review month. Any cases determined to be incorrect must have corrected information entered in FAMIS and complete comments explaining all actions taken as a result of the case review within 30 days of the submission to the ES. Any client claims discovered through the case review process must be established in CARS.
Supervisor reviews are to be completed and submitted in the reports section of the CRS within 30 days of submission to the ES. Supervisors are expected to ensure all reviews are conducted and submitted to reports, as well as to ensure all necessary actions are taken when a case is determined to be incorrect.