zz – Obsolete


CD14-12, OEC14-02 January 28, 2014

Participant eligibility for the Hand-Up Pilot Program is determined at application and re-certification in compliance with Sections 1210.000.00 through 1210.025.15 of the Child Care Assistance Manual.  However, in addition to the criteria stated there, in order to be eligible for the Hand-Up Pilot Program, families must:

  • Have been receiving full Child Care Assistance benefits, not including Transitional Child Care, from the Department of Social Services continuously, with eligibility determined on or after August 28, 2012, for a period of at least four (4) consecutive months prior to January 1, 2014.
  • Have a child/children authorized or be willing to have a child/children accepted for placement and authorized for care in one of the licensed  child care pilot facilities within 90 days after losing full Child Care Assistance eligibility based on income.
  • Be willing to pay a monthly premium, via payroll deduction if possible, towards the cost of their child’s/children’s child care.
  • Have become ineligible for full Child Care Assistance based on income and family size per the most current income guidelines at https://dss.mo.gov/cd/child-care/files/child-care-income-guidelines.pdf and not be eligible for Transitional Child Care Assistance based on income and family size per the most current income eligibility guidelines at http://dss.mo.gov/cd/child-care/files/transitional-child-care-income-guidelines.pdf and http://dss.mo.gov/cd/child-care/files/transitional-child-care-income-guidelines-2.pdf.

This does not negate Section 1210.025.00 Income Eligibility Guidelines, which states active Eligibility Units (EU) reporting a change or reapplying for benefits before the end of the certification period can qualify for Transitional Child Care if the adjusted gross income exceeds 124% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) but does not exceed 175% of the FPL.  Some Child Care Assistance participants may not qualify for the Hand-Up Pilot Program but may qualify for Transitional Child Care instead.

Families participating in the Hand-Up Pilot Program must also have a valid need for care as defined at 1210.020.15 DEFINITIONS OF NEED COMPONENTS AND TIME LIMITS.  Verify and document a family’s need for care due to employment or education/training as specified at 1210.020.15.051210.020.15.10, and 1210.020.15.15.  To authorize a child to a provider, verify the parent’s(s’) schedule(s) per 1220.025.00 INDIVIDUAL AUTHORIZATION PROCESS and in compliance with 1220.025.05 AUTHORIZATION LIMITS1220.025.10 SLEEP TIME, and 1220.025.15 TRAVEL TIME.