zz – Obsolete


This section provides information related to Child Care Subsidy eligibility regarding the:

  1. Composition of the household and persons to include in the eligibility unit (2010.005.00);
  2. Relationship of the applicant to the child (2010.010.00);
  3. Definition of an eligible child (2010.015.00);
  4. Classifying a child with special needs (2010.020.00);
  5. Citizenship requirements (2010.025.00);
  6. Residency requirements (2010.030.00);
  7. Social Security number requirements (2010.035.00);
  8. Resource limit requirements (2010.040.00);
  9. Income eligibility (2010.045.00) determination, to include:
    • The budgeting process;
    • The types of income to include and exclude; and
    • allowable deductions.
  10. Valid need components for child care (2010.050.00);
    • Employment;
    • Education;
    • Training;
    • Job search;
    • Incapacitated parent;
    • Child with a special need for care; and
    • Homeless families.
  11. Invalid need for Child Care Subsidy (2010.055.00)