Training must be verified by the source.
- Job Training
- A parent may use training as a valid need as long as they continue to meet other eligibility requirements.
- Examples of job training as a valid need for care include, but are not limited to the following: on the job training, training for a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), Remedial or basic education provided as a component of a vocational certificate, license or degree, industry skills certifications, unpaid employer sponsored trainings, Limited English Proficiency (LEP) provided as a component of or requirement for a vocational certificate, license or degree, apprenticeships, non-profit sponsored trainings that lead to employment, and other customized training programs.
- SkillUP
- A parent may use training as a valid need as long as they continue to meet other eligibility requirements.
- For additional information about the METP, refer to the Food Stamp manual section 1105.025.05.20 Missouri Employment and Training Program (METP)
- Evaluation for Training
- A parent may use evaluation for training as a valid need for two weeks for each evaluation.
- Evaluation must be for a federally funded program (i.e. VR, JC, WIA, Missouri Work Assistance (MWA), etc.).
- Temporary Assistance applicants (TANF)
- TANF applicants should apply for Child Care Subsidy at the time he or she applies for Temporary Assistance if:
- the applicant does not meet an exemption; and
- must comply with the MWA program
- TANF applicants may use trainings as a valid need for sixty (60) days as long as they continue to meet other eligibility requirements.
- TANF applicants should apply for Child Care Subsidy at the time he or she applies for Temporary Assistance if:
- Jobs Skills Training
- A parent may use job skills training as a valid need as long as they continue to meet other eligibility requirements.
- Job skills training must be administered by a federally funded program (i.e. VR, JC, WIA, MWA, etc.)
- Work Experience
- A parent may use work experience that may lead to self-sufficiency as a valid need as long as they continue to meet other eligibility requirements.
Verification of Training
If the need for Child Care Subsidy is enrollment in training, verify and document the participant’s enrollment. Obtain verification of the training, the purpose of the training, and the hours and days of actual attendance. It may be necessary to obtain more than one type of documentation to verify the need.
Authorizing Training
If the parent is enrolled in a training program, authorize child care based on the verified schedule.