Homeless is defined as an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Verification of Homeless Families
A family claiming homeless as a valid need must participate in a community based program designed to eliminate the homeless situation. Homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters and other community based organizations may offer programs and resources to help families end homelessness. Eligibility specialists must verify the eligibility unit participates in activities with the community based program. Verification may include, but is not limited to hard copy or collateral contact verification or with a telephone call to the community organization to verify the participation.
Authorizing Homeless Families
If the family is participating in a community based program designed to eliminate the homeless situation, authorize child care for up to twenty-three (23) fulltime units. If the child is a school-aged child, authorize based on the school schedule of the child.
NOTE: A family may claim homeless as a need, but if they are not participating in a community based program designed to eliminate the homeless situation, then homeless is not a valid child care need.