Once eligibility has been established, the household can access Child Care Subsidy from a child care provider contracted with DSS for payment of child care services. Before authorizing a child to a child care provider verify the number of hours and number of days per week the applicant participates in a valid need component.
- If the parent is participating in a valid need component at the time of application, authorize child care services beginning with the date of application.
- If the parent becomes engaged in a valid need component after the date of application, authorize child care services beginning with the participation start date.
- If child care services would otherwise be lost, child care may be provided for up to two weeks prior to the begin date of scheduled employment, education, or training.
- If the need for child care is the special need of the child or incapacitation of the parent, authorize child care services beginning with the date of application.
A unit of care is determined by the number of hours and time of day that a child spends in child care.
Number of hours in care:
- part day (30 minutes to 2 hours and 59 minutes per day);
- half day (3 to 4 hours and 59 minutes per day); or
- full day (5 to 12 hours per day).
Time of day care is provided:
- Daytime care is provided from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Friday;
- Evening care is provided from 7:01 p.m. to 5:59 a.m. Monday through Friday; or
- Weekend care is provided from 6:00 a.m. Saturday to 7:00 p.m. Sunday.
NOTE: Care that begins or ends during evening or weekend is considered an evening or weekend unit of care.
Units of care should be authorized based on the parent’s verified schedule and the child’s need for care. A verified schedule might be determined based on a reasonable determination of a parent’s work schedule from the income verification Travel time to the child care provider should be taken into consideration when determining the child’s authorized units of care. Refer to 2020.005.00 AUTHORIZATIONS.
When a child changes child care providers, end the active authorization and enter an authorization to the new child care provider.