zz – Obsolete


When an eligibility unit reports a change in income enter the information into the system. Obtain required verification.

If sufficient information is not provided that can be entered, send a Request for Information form or an Appointment Letter/Request for Contact form to the eligibility unit allowing 10 days to provide verification or make contact.

When information is entered into the system, the system determines if the eligibility unit’s income exceeds 85% of state median income for the eligibility unit size and recommends an action.

  • If the income exceeds 85% of state median income:
    • The system may recommend a closing if the Child Care Subsidy income limits are lower than the state median income for the household size.
    • Authorize the adverse action to close the case.
  • If the income does not exceed 85% of state median income:
    • If the result is a decrease in benefits, disregard the adverse action to reduce the benefits.
    • If the result is an increase in benefits, authorize the action unless the verification was required and not provided.