Child Care Subsidy payments are paid on behalf of those participants who meet eligibility requirements and are in need of assistance. Under RSMo 205.967, any benefits paid to or on behalf of an ineligible participant are recoverable as a debt due the state through a civil or criminal prosecution action. There are also provisions in the law for penalties through a criminal action against persons who by means of any willfully false statement or impersonation or other fraudulent act obtain, aid or abet any person to obtain benefits to which s/he is not entitled.
- Notification Requirements:
- At the time of application or reapplication, the applicant or participant is informed in writing of the requirement to report changes in circumstances within ten (10) days.
- Participant Reporting Requirements: The Eligibility Unit does not need to report temporary changes unless the income of the Eligibility Unit exceeds 85% of the State Median income level.