zz – Obsolete


CD11-91/OEC-20 – October 17, 2011

Missouri Law requires that providers:

  1. Be at least age eighteen.
  2. Submit a current Tuberculosis (TB) test with a negative result or documentation from a physician stating the individual is positive for TB but not contagious.  If an individual can not be tested because of a medical condition, such as pregnancy, obtain a physician’s statement and waive the TB test for the individual.
  3. Comply with fingerprinting and have no disqualifying criminal record as defined in 13 CSR 40-32.020.
  4. Have all household members age 17 and older register with the Family Care Safety Register and have no matches resulting from this background screening process as defined in 13 CSR 40-32.020.  refer to 1215.025.20 Background Screening Requirements for Registered Family Home Providers.
  5. Notify parents if the provider does not have immediate access to a telephone.
  6. Install and maintain an adequate number of working smoke detectors where care is provided.
  7. Have a working fire extinguisher with a minimum classification code of 1A10BC (if less than 10 children in care) or 2A10BC (if more than 10 children in care).
  8. Post a written Fire Evacuation plan.
  9. Provide verification that they have been inspected and are in compliance if located in areas that have local fire safety codes for child care providers
  10. If required to maintain immunization records per Missouri law 210.003 must file a yearly summary report with DHSS.  See 1215.025.10 IMMUNIZATIONS.