Supplemental Aid to the Blind (SAB) Manual

0405.000.00 Eligibility Requirements

IM-22 April 11, 2024

Eligibility requirements for SAB are generally the same as December 1973 requirements for Aid to the Blind (AB). To be eligible for SAB, a claimant must meet the following, using December 1973 requirements, except where otherwise noted:

  1. Non-receipt of Other Assistance
  2. SSI Application
  3. Age
  4. Social Security Number
  5. Vision
  6. Citizenship/Alien Status
  7. Residence
  8. Support From Parent or Sighted Spouse
  9. Soliciting Alms
  10. Real or Personal Property
  11. Transfer of Property
  12. Need

Note: Continuous Eligibility for Children (CEC) must be applied to eligible participants under the age of 19. Refer to section 1805.070.00 Continuous Eligibility for Children (CEC) in the MAGI Manual.