Cash and securities include cash in personal possession or in a safe-deposit box; deposits in bank, Direct Express accounts, mobile cash applications, building and loan, or trust companies; stocks; bonds; mortgages; promissory notes; U.S. Savings Bonds; building and loan certificates; personal notes; bills of exchange; bank checks; certificates of deposit; the balance due on a sales contract; and similar instruments, both negotiable and non-negotiable.
Exclude the following when determining a family’s equity in resources:
- 0205.005.30.05 Assistance, Deficiency Payment, or Retroactive Payments
- 0205.005.30.10 Governmental Payments
- 0205.005.30.15 Involuntary Conversion of Real Property
- 0205.005.30.20 Income Received Annually
- 0205.005.30.25 Trusts, IDAs and Inaccessible Resources
- 0205.005.30.30 Joint Accounts
- 0205.005.30.35 Comingled Accounts
- 0205.005.30.40 Bona Fide Loans
- 0205.005.30.45 Indian and Alaskan Native Payments