Temporary Assistance/Case Management Manual

0210.015.45.05 Budgeting Job Corps Income

  1. The readjustment allowance is placed in a fund for the Job Corps participant and is not available for use. Exclude as income. The Job Corps participant receives this allowance in a lump sum upon leaving Job Corps. Upon receipt of the readjustment allowance, treat it as cash. It could result in ineligibility if all cash and securities and available resources owned exceed the maximum of $1,000.
  2. For budgeting living allowance and allotment, four types of situations exist.
    1. A Temporary Assistance child (not a payee or second parent) enters Job Corps. A child participating in Job Corps meets the definition of a student; thus disregard all income from Job Corps, allowance and allotment, in determining grant amount. However, only exclude this earned income from the 185 percent income eligibility limit and in determining need in an application/add a child situation for up to six months in each calendar year of January through December (thereafter include it).
    2. A Temporary Assistance parent enters Job Corps and continues to be the payee for a dependent child. Budget the living allowance and any allotment as earned income. This income is subject to income disregards in the same manner as any other type of earned income.
    3. A Temporary Assistance parent enters Job Corps and another relative becomes the Temporary Assistance payee for the parent’s child. Consider as income only that money the parent makes available to the child. If the Job Corps participant sends the child an allotment, budget it as unearned income even though an assignment has been made. Do not treat this income as child support. EXCEPTION: If a court order specifies that the allotment be paid as child support, DCSE collects the money.
    4. A Temporary Assistance parent enters Job Corps and another relative becomes payee for both the Job Corps enrollee and the dependent child. The parent is considered a child and a student, thus disregard all income from Job Corps, allowance and allotment, in determining grant amount. However, only exclude this earned income from the 185 percent income eligibility limit and in determining need in an application or add a child situation for up to six months in each calendar year of January through December.
  3. Disregard all money received for training related expenses in determining eligibility.