Temporary Assistance/Case Management Manual

0245.020.30 Notices to the Eligibility Unit (EU)

IM-79 September 29, 2008

The Adverse Action (FA-510) notice for Temporary Assistance closings due to earned income only informs the family of the possible eligibility for TEB and asks for verification of work hours. The closing of the Temporary Assistance case initiates the eligibility determination for TEB. Once the Temporary Assistance case is closed, if the required verification for hours worked has been recorded on the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen, FAMIS approves the TEB case in the overnight batch process the night after the Temporary Assistance case closes. An Action Notice (FA-150) is generated to the participant notifying him or her of the approval for TEB. This notice also specifies begin and end dates for TEB. Therefore, an Adverse Action Notice (FA-510) is not required when the household has received six (6) consecutive months of TEB. The TEB case automatically ends in FAMIS.

If work hours are not verified and entered on the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen when the Temporary Assistance case closes, FAMIS prints and mails a Request for Information (FA-325) asking the EU to provide verification of hours worked per week. If the requested verification is not received and entered on the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen within ten (10) days, the TEB case is rejected. A TEB case may be cancel rejected within 30 days of the rejection if it was rejected in error; e.g., verification of work hours was provided timely, but was not entered and the TEB case rejected.

EXAMPLE: Temporary Assistance case closes Tuesday night, and shows closed in FAMIS on Wednesday. TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) has the hours worked information entered and verified. The TEB case is approved in the overnight batch process on Wednesday, and shows open in FAMIS on Thursday.

EXAMPLE: Temporary Assistance case closes Tuesday night and shows closed in FAMIS on Wednesday. TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) does not have the hours worked information entered and verified. FAMIS sends a Request for Information (FA-325) asking the EU to provide verification of hours worked per week.