The purpose of this memorandum is to advise you of the criteria necessary
for individuals who had earnings in 2003 to qualify for the Earned Income
Credit (EIC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC). It is important to share
the EIC and CTC information with all program participants. The exclusion
policy that applies to EIC and CTC is also included in the following
EIC The income limits for tax year 2003 are:
The CTC refund is based on the amount by which the family's income exceeds $10,500. To receive these tax credits those with children must file a tax form 1040 or 1040a and a Schedule EIC. Persons without children can file any tax form. They do not need to file schedule EIC. Any EIC or CTC payment received by food stamp households is excluded from income, whether received as a lump sum or as advance payments. The EIC and CTC payment is also excluded from resources if:
EIC and CTC payments are excluded as income for any program based on OAA, PTD, AB, or GR requirements. For these programs, an EIC or CTC payment is considered a resource in the month received.
The Department of Social Services has partnered with the nineteen (19)
Community Action Agencies around the state to assist low income workers
with applying for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit. The Community
Action Agencies will offer money management classes, help people establish
a bank account, and work with employers who want to offer advance earned
income tax credit to their employees. The
Community Action Agencies and contact information
Refer any individual who is currently working to the nearest Community Action Agency to see if they qualify for this tax credit and other assistance. Use Earned Income Tax Credit Referral (IM-101E) revised February 2000, when referring to the Community Action Agencies. A copy of IM-101E is attached.
Also attached is printed information on EIC in both
Attachments: Community Action Agencies contact information ![]() Spanish EIC Flyer ![]() English EIC Flyer ![]() IM-101E not available online. |