Due to the devastation in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina, residents of these states were evacuated or are in the process of being evacuated. Many of these individuals have come to Missouri and are applying for food stamp benefits. This policy applies to these evacuees.
Application for Food Stamp Benefits
If an individual applies for food stamp benefits, follow the same policy (income, resources, etc.) and procedures (application in FAMIS, interviews, etc.) as you would for someone who has just moved to Missouri under normal circumstances. However, due to the unfortunate circumstances these individuals are facing, allow some flexibility as follows.
- Verify that the applicant was living in an area affected by Hurricane Katrina when the hurricane struck. To verify this, ask the applicant what his/her address was in Alabama, Louisiana, or Mississippi. Enter this address in CD1P. The county/parish in which the applicant resided will appear in the USPS County field on CD1P. Refer to the Areas Affected by Hurricane Katrina
list. If the applicant resided in one of the counties/parishes affected by Hurricane Katrina, follow the policy listed below.
- Treat the application as a priority.
- Ask the applicant if s/he is currently receiving benefits in the other state. Attempt to verify if the applicant received benefits or will be receiving benefits for the current month in the previous state. If the applicant is from Alabama call (334) 242-1310 and if the applicant is from Mississippi call (601) 359-4811 to obtain payment information. The State of Louisiana is currently working on a toll-free number for states to call to obtain payment information. This number will be provided as soon as we are notified. If you cannot get through to these numbers, accept client statement regarding whether s/he received in the current month. Record what the client stated regarding participation on the Eligibility Unit Member Role (FM3Z) screen.
Set a reminder for a month later, to check on participation. Record why the reminder was set on the Eligibility Unit Member Role (FM3Z) screen. Take any action needed on the case if it is determined the participant is still receiving in another state. This is an action that is required to be taken, regardless of whether the EU is subject to simplified reporting or change reporting requirements.
- If the applicant states s/he has no access to income or resources left behind in Alabama, Louisiana, or Mississippi, accept client statement, and expedite if otherwise eligible. Pend for verification of the income, resources, and access to the income and resources. Attempt to verify the circumstances. If it is obvious that the applicant's income has stopped (the applicant worked in Louisiana) or that a resource is inaccessible (a rental house in New Orleans) take the client's statement that it has ended or is inaccessible. Resources that are not accessible are excluded from the resource determination. Record in detail, all attempts to verify and what the client stated.
- If verification cannot be obtained and client's statement is accepted, set a reminder for two months to check the availability of verification and whether the client's income and resources are accessible. Record why the reminder was set on the Eligibility Unit Member Role (FM3Z) screen. Take any action needed on the case once verification is obtained. This is an action that is required to be taken, regardless of whether the EU is subject to simplified reporting or change reporting requirements.
- For METP, if an individual meets an exemption or exclusion, enter that exemption/exclusion code on the Employment Assessment (FMMS) screen. If the individual does not meet any other exemption or exclusion code, use code 34 (Multiple Impediments). Record why the individual was coded with an exemption or exclusion. Re-visit the METP code at next application.
- If an individual who is currently certified in one of these states asks about disaster food stamp benefits, assure the person that s/he can use the EBT card in local stores in Missouri and s/he may continue to use food stamp benefits during the certification. Assist the individual in obtaining a new EBT card if the EBT card was lost or left behind. We will have a list of EBT contact numbers soon and will provide the numbers as they become available.
If the individual believes s/he will be residing in Missouri permanently, or for the foreseeable future, contact the other state to have the case closed. Take an application for a new certification in Missouri.
Keep a list of all applicants who apply under this policy. The list must contain the name, SSN, and DCN of all applicants and EU members. If client statement was accepted for any of the criteria listed above, indicate for what client statement was accepted. Send the list daily to Central Office will be monitoring these applications.
Replacement of Food Stamp Benefits
Missouri can replace benefits for food purchased with food stamp benefits that was destroyed in an EU misfortune, even if the benefits were issued in Alabama, Louisiana, or Mississippi. Follow policy regarding the replacement of food stamp benefits found in Food Stamp Manual section 1150.000.00. Prior to reissuing the benefits, contact the previous state to determine the amount of benefits the individual received. The amount of a replacement issuance is limited to one month's allotment.
Keep a list of individuals for whom replacement is made. The list must contain the name, SSN, and DCN of the head of EU. Send the list daily to Central Office will be monitoring these requests for replacements.
- Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.
- Keep a list of all applicants who apply under this policy and all EU members. If client statement was accepted for any of the criteria listed above, indicate for what client statement was accepted. Send the list to daily.
- Keep a list of all individuals for whom replacement is made. Send the list to daily.