The driver question for real property has changed due to Temporary Assistance Program requirements. To allow FAMIS to make the correct eligibility determination for each program, when the EU owns more than 40 acres adjoining the home, it is necessary to make two entries.
If the EU declares any real property, for all programs answer the driver question Y(es) and enter all real property and its value:
- Code HS – Home and 40 acres, means a home and the land it sits on up to 40 acres. This includes a house sitting on a lot in town.
- Code LO – Land over 40 acres adjoining home, is for any additional acreage tied to the homestead.
- The usage of BL (Building/Land) and LA (Lots/Acreage) have not changed.
FAMIS will make the correct decision to consider or exclude the value following each program’s requirements.
- For the Food Stamp Program the home and any land adjoining the home in which the EU lives continue to be an excluded resource. This is not a change in policy. Enter all real property. FAMIS excludes both the HS and LO codes.
- For Temporary Assistance only the home and land it sits on up to 40 acres is excluded. Enter all real property. FAMIS excludes the HS code and considers the LO code.
- For Child Care all real property is excluded. Enter all real property. FAMIS excludes all real property codes.
- Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.
- Enter all real property declared by the EU into FAMIS.