- TO:
The purpose of this memorandum is to introduce the Balancing Incentives Payment (BIP) Project. The Department of Social Services (DSS) in partnership with the Department of Mental Health (DMH), and the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) are introducing new tools to assist Missourians to access assistance to enable them to stay in their homes and avoid institutional care.
A team of staff from these agencies developed three tools to connect people with the resources they may need. The concepts of "no wrong door" and a "single entry point" were driving forces in the design of the Level I Core Standardized Assessment, the Missouri Community Options and Resources (MOCOR) website, and toll free automated telephone system.
Effective October 1, 2013 the MOCOR website and toll free phone number will be available to the public, and the Level 1 Core Standardized Assessment will be available online.
- The website: http://mocor.mo.gov is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will provide the opportunity for the user to access the Level I Core Standardized Assessment. The MOCOR website is a "gateway" for older adults and individuals with disabilities. It is a statewide resource for information and assistance about long-term services and supports to allow individuals to remain at home and plan for future needs.
- The online Level I Core Standardized Assessment guides the user through a series of questions to gather identifying information and to assess their needs. Depending upon the answers provided, a referral may be made to the DMH or DHSS. The information provided by the user is sent electronically to the appropriate agency, who will contact the individual to further assess their needs
- The MOCOR automated telephone system: 1-855-834-8555 is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, except on state holidays. Calls received after hours, on weekends, or holidays will be directed to call during business hours, or to access the MOCOR website. The caller will be connected directly with the appropriate agency, depending on the option they select.
- Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.
- Register applications received immediately.
- Process applications according to current standards.