0110.060.00 Electronic Verification System (EVS)

0110.060.15.25 Ex Parte Review When Participant Revokes FCRA Authorization

IM-42 April 28, 2023; IM-165 December 9, 2020

Consent to electronic verification of assets through Accuity, a data source with Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requirements, is an eligibility factor for all Non-MAGI MO HealthNet participants.

Apply standard ex parte review processes when a participant loses eligibility for Non-MAGI coverage due to revoking consent of the electronic verification of assets.  Refer to manual section 0840.015.05 Pre-closing Ex Parte Review.

Note:  Participants do not lose eligibility if a non-applying spouse or non-applying parent revokes their authorization for the electronic verification of assets.