1820.000.00 Transitional MO HealthNet (TMH)

1820.030.60 Eligible Household Member Leaves Household

IM-19 February 7, 2018

If an individual (except the Head of Household), who is a MHF household member when the case moves to TMH, moves out of the household, is removed from the case, then moves back in, that individual can regain eligibility for Transitional MO HealthNet as long as the household remains eligible. If the case is closed because the only child leaves, or is closed for some other reason before the child returns, the household may not regain Transitional MO HealthNet eligibility for the original period.

EXAMPLE: Mrs. Johnson has three children and they all receive MHF. Mrs. Johnson started a job causing the family to no longer be eligible for MHF. After an adverse action period they are moved to TMH. A month later, Mrs. Johnson’s son (Allen, age 15) leaves the home to live with his father. Mrs. Johnson and the other children continue to remain eligible for TMH. Five months later, Allen moves back in with his mother. Because he was a member of the original approved TMH household, Allen can be placed back on TMH until the household is no longer eligible or their 12-month maximum time limit expires.