IM-23 March 26, 2021; IM-68 July 24, 2007
SNAP EUs must meet an income eligibility limit to be eligible for SNAP benefits. This income eligibility limit is based on federal income poverty guidelines. EUs meeting a net income eligibility limit must have income equal to or lower than 100 percent of federal income poverty guidelines for the EU size. EUs that must meet a gross income eligibility limit must have income equal to or lower than 130 percent of federal income poverty guidelines for the EU size.
FAMIS makes the income eligibility determination based on the age of EU members, disability, income, and expense information entered into the system. The income eligibility determination is displayed on the Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary (FM30) screen. When all verification is provided and the EU’s gross income and adjusted net monthly income is equal to or less than the monthly income eligibility limit for the EU size, the income eligibility determination shows PASS. When the EU’s gross and adjusted net monthly income exceeds the monthly income eligibility limit for the EU size FAIL is displayed. When the EU’s gross income and adjusted net monthly income exceeds the monthly eligibility limit, verification of the income is required. The Select Authorization (FM3G) screen displays the eligibility determination for each month an eligibility determination is created. Select Authorization (FM3G) displays approve (APPR) or reject (REJC) for applications. An adverse action (PAAP) or no change (NOCH) action is displayed when an eligibility determination is completed on an active case. No adverse action will be made for excess income until verification of income is provided.
The Food Stamp Budget Summary (FM4A) screen displays the gross income maximum, the CE income maximum, and the net income maximum. No income maximum is displayed for one and two person CE EUs. Always review the Budget Summary (Food Stamps) screen (FM4A) prior to authorizing a case action to determine if the expected results are received. If not, return to the appropriate eligibility factor, make corrections, and complete a new eligibility determination.