Section 3, Chapter 2 (Family Centered Services), Subsection 1.2 – Procedures to Open the FCS Case

(Effective 01/31/2025)

2.1.2 Procedures to Open the FCS case

To Open or Reopen a Case

The Family-Centered Services Information screen in FACES is designed to gather demographic information about the Family-Centered Services (FCS) case and its members.  It also serves as a basis for inputting information about case activities and for generating reminder notices to the Children’s Service Worker regarding those activities.  This screen will allow users to view the information related to a FCS function for a case number as well as provide links to allow the user to access detail screens to view, add, or update information.  At least one (1) parent and one (1) child must be served to open an FCS function.  No more than two (2) primary parents may be listed on a case.

Any changes in household composition (i.e. birth of a child, new partner, separation, divorce, marriage, etc.) must be updated on the Family-Centered Services Information screen in FACES.  The Children’s Services Worker should review the Family-Centered Services Information screen regularly to ensure accuracy of the system information.

An FCS case can be open on both custodial and non-custodial parents. In the event both parents are receiving services each parent should have an FCS case open in FACES.  The children should be listed on both cases as case members, with the whereabouts noted as appropriate.

 Case Assignment

Upon completion of the family assessment or investigation the supervisor will review the CPS-1, family risk assessment map, CD 220, and services needed when determining the timeframe for the initial face-face contact in the home with the family.

When determining if a family-centered services case needs to be opened a draft harm statement, danger statement and any current existing safety and strengths within the Family Risk Assessment Map (CD-220) should be used to assess the need for services. This would need to be shared with the family to get their input and this ideally would be done by the staff opening the case.

If the investigator/family assessment worker and the FCS treatment worker are different, then some family crisis situations may require a joint home visit to:

  • Ensure the safety of the child(ren);
  • Provide a consistent view of the crisis situation; and
  • Expedite the provision of treatment services.

Schedule a home visit with the family to assess whether risk has increased or decreased since the investigation or assessment. This initial contact must be within the time frames established by the supervisor during the case assignment.  It is important to meet with all family members to adequately assess risk and safety, being especially important to see all the children.  Consult with a supervisor if any of the children are unavailable at the time of the home visits.  A plan should be made to assure the children are safe.

Family Refusal of Services

Families can and sometimes do refuse Division services. Despite their best efforts staff may be unable to engage some families in the treatment process during the assessment. In other instances, families may simply withdraw later from the treatment process.

The Children’s Service Worker and supervisor must jointly assess the risk to the child(ren) when a family refuses services. If it is determined that the child(ren) is in danger, legal intervention is needed and an immediate referral to the juvenile office is required.  If there is not sufficient cause to pursue legal intervention, after supervisory consultation, the case will be closed. The Children’s Service Worker must thoroughly document the reasons for closure and any existing concerns in the case record.

Related Practice Alerts and Memos:

11-5-2020 – PA-20-CM-03 – Provision of Safety-Related Services – CA/N to FCS