1060.000.00 Disability (PTD Eligibility Criteria)

1060.005.15 Submitting Information on Cases Previously Reviewed by MRT

IM-05 February 03, 2025; IM-77 May 16, 2019; IM-44 September 4, 2014; IM-19 March 28, 2011; IM-114 December 19, 2006

For all cases previously reviewed by the Medical Review Team (MRT) in which the participant does not currently receive disability-based SSI, SSDI, or Medicare based on disability, submit medical information to the MRT for a redetermination.

In cases where MRT has specified a future medical review is unnecessary and states it is waived, no information or forms are to be sent to MRT unless a change occurs that might indicate the participant is no longer permanently and totally disabled (PTD). If such a change occurs, submit a new MRT packet.

If the previous MRT decision was waived, the cases closes, and a new application is submitted within 90 days of the case closing, a new MRT determination is not required.  

NOTE:  Do not submit medical information to the MRT for a redetermination on cases previously reviewed by MRT that have closed for reasons other than disability when the MRT decision has not expired, is not waived, and the participant requests Non-MAGI benefits within 90 days from the closing action date.