1145.010.00 Disqualification Process

1145.010.20.25 IM-161 Waiver Offered – Accepted and Withdrawn

IM-140 November 30, 2005

To withdraw the Waiver of Administrative Disqualification Hearing Consent Agreement (IM-161), the individual is instructed to sign and return a Withdrawal of Waiver of Administrative Disqualification Hearing Consent Agreement (IM-161A) to the county office within five business days of signing the waiver. Upon receipt of the IM-161A, the county immediately faxes the IM-161A to the appropriate Hearing Unit or WIU office. Mail the hard copy to the appropriate Hearing Unit or WIU office within 24 hours.

  • If the Administrative Disqualification Hearing has been scheduled, the ADH continues as scheduled if the Hearing Unit sent the waiver.
  • If the investigator presented the IM-161, the county must initiate the ADH, as the IM-161 was offered under the condition that the hearing would be conducted if the individual did not waive the ADH.