IM-71 August 31, 2023; IM-33 June 24, 2014; IM-103 October 4, 2004; IM-09 February 6, 2002
Federal regulations require SNAP applicants and participants over the age of 15 and under the age of 60 (ages 16-59) to comply with the following work requirements as a condition of eligibility:
- Register for work at time of application and recertification
- Refer to section 1105.025.05.10 Work Registration
- Not quit a job of 30 or more hours/week (or with earnings equivalent to 30 hours per week at federal minimum wage, currently $7.25/hour) without good cause 60 days prior to application or anytime thereafter
- Not reduce work hours under 30 hours per week (or with earnings equivalent to 30 hours per week at federal minimum wage, currently $7.25/hour) without good cause 30 days prior to application or anytime thereafter
- Not refuse to accept a bona fide offer of suitable employment without good cause
- Comply with Able-Bodied Adults without Dependent Children (ABAWD) requirement