IM-117 August 19, 2022; IM-33 June 24, 2014; IM-103 October 4, 2004; IM-32 April 1, 1999
Assess each individual at the time of the application, recertification, or any time a change to income is reported to determine if they must comply with work requirements. The adult who signs the SNAP application must provide information on all household members over the age of 15 and under the age of 60 to determine who must comply with work requirements. During the application interview, assess each household member to determine whether the individual is exempt, mandatory, mandatory but excluded, or a volunteer for SkillUP.
Enter the employment assessment code and status for each household member over the age of 15 and under the age of 60 on the Employment Assessment (EMPLOY/FMMS) screen.
Exception: When sufficient information is available for the system to determine the individual’s work assessment status, the status code is entered by the system.
EXAMPLE: The system automatically assigns the employment assessment code for individuals who are:
- Full time students. Assigned work assessment code 14,
- Over age 60. Assigned work assessment code 07, and
- Under the age of 16. Assigned work assessment code 03.
NOTE: Individuals under age 16 and over age 60 are not subject to work requirements and do not appear on the Employment Assessment (EMPLOY/FMMS) screen while in the controlled flow.
Each time a new work assessment is completed, verbally review with the household to determine:
- which participants are or may be subject to work requirements,
- if an exemption or exclusion exists, and
- if the participant needs help looking for a job through SkillUP when an exemption or exclusion is not met