IM-03 January 9, 2009; IM-103 October 4, 2004
DWD sends information on the nightly file to FSD when an individual referred for employment refuses an offer of employment. Refusal of an offer of employment received on the nightly file from DWD creates the conciliation and sanctioning process. A reminder, “check status employment assessment” is sent to the eligibility specialist letting them know the individual is in conciliation for non-compliance with DWD at the time FAMIS creates and sends the conciliation notice. An MTP type sanction is created. Refer to the 1105.032.00 Notices section.
Refer to 1105.025.45.05 Non-compliance Determined by Worker when it becomes known to the eligibility specialist that a mandatory work registrant has refused an offer of employment without good cause.
Refer to 1105.025.50 Resolving Noncompliance With Work Registration if the non-complying EU member meets a work registration exemption or exclusion, has good cause, or complies while in conciliation or adverse action.
NOTE: The offer of employment must meet the 1105.025.40 Work Registration (METP) – Suitable Employment criteria.