IM-143 December 5, 2005; IM-42 May 4, 2005; IM-103 October 4, 2004
When an EU member fails to comply with Temporary Assistance (TA) work requirements or with unemployment compensation requirements, determine if the individual is exempt or excluded for another reason, and if so, enter that exemption/exclusion code on the Employment Assessment (FMMS) screen. If the individual is not exempt or excluded, s/he must be sanctioned for failing to comply with the other program requirement.
Follow instructions outlined in the Entering a Sanction or Disqualification user guide to enter the sanction. Use type code NFF for failure to comply with TA work requirements and type code SWR for failure to comply with unemployment compensation requirements.
Refer to 1115.080.00 Prohibition in Increasing Food Stamp Benefits for additional policy information and procedure guides Prohibition in Increasing Food Stamp Benefits and Ending Food Stamp Noncompliance with Program Requirements for correct procedures.