On an initial application, the period of application is the calendar month in which the EU filed its application.
- In most cases, the month of application is the first month of the EU’s initial certification period.
- Determine the EU’s eligibility and benefit level during the month of application based on the EU’s circumstances for the entire calendar month, even if the application was filed on the last day of the month.
- If the EU has members that have received in another EU or another state for the current month, only the remaining EU members who have not been included in another EU are included in the expedited screening and eligibility determination for the initial month(s). Refer to 1105.015.15 Duplicate Participation for more information. On a second month application, the period of application is the month following the month of application.
- A second month application is taken when an EU has received in another state, has received in another EU, or was disqualified for the current month.
- Base eligibility and benefit level for second month applications on circumstances anticipated for the calendar month following the month of application. On a timely or non-timely reapplication, the period of application is the month following the expiration of the certification period.
- Base eligibility and benefit level for recertifications on circumstances anticipated for the calendar month following the expiration of the current certification period.
- If an application for recertification is not received until after the current certification period has expired, the period of application is the month in which the application is filed, as for any initial application.
Any information entered in FAMIS for a reapplication that affects the current certification is reviewed by FAMIS to determine if the EU is entitled to additional benefits.
Example: Ms. A made a timely reapplication for benefits for April on March 1. Her current income is lower than the income budgeted for the current certification. Ms. A’s caseworker entered the income information into FAMIS and completed a March budget. FAMIS determined Ms. A was entitled to $50 in additional food stamp benefits for March and set an approval for the next certification. The worker authorized the actions and FAMIS issued the supplemental benefits for March.