IM-50 June 4, 2007; IM-27 March 19, 2004
If the application was screened correctly and the EU was not eligible to receive expedited benefits, but later reports a change that causes the EU to be eligible for expedited benefits, enter the date the change is known to FSD as the date of discovery on the Action Authorization (FM3H) screen. Refer to the SNAP Expedited Service reference guide for assistance.
If the change is reported on an initial application, authorize the benefits so the EU may participate within seven calendar days following the date of discovery.
If the change is reported on an application screened for the second month, authorize the benefits so the EU may participate within seven calendar days following the date of discovery, or mailed to the EU the first working day of the new certification period, whichever is later.
EXAMPLE: Screening on 9/2 when the EU filed the application and left before completing the interview does not indicate expedited eligibility. When interviewing the applicant on 9/10, he reports a utility expense that qualifies the EU for expedited service. The date of expedited eligibility is 9/10 because that is the date enough information was provided to recognize expedited eligibility. Benefits are from the date of application (9/2) but the expedited time frames apply to 9/10. Enter 9/10 as the date of discovery on the Action Authorization (FM3H) screen.