IM-29 March 25, 2022; IM-105 December 21, 2015; IM-26 March 19, 2004
Initial SNAP applications that rejected should not be cancel rejected if the rejection is due to participant error. Participant error occurs when a household does not take a required action or does not complete an interview during the original application timeframe and the application rejected. The worker should enter a new application using the date the household complied as the date of the new application.
After rejection, a household that submitted an initial SNAP application has 60 days from the original application date to take the required action or complete an interview before being required to submit a new application.
NOTE: For Recertification applications, refer to 1130.015.15 Processing Recertifications.
When the household provides all previously requested information or completes an interview within 60 days of the original application date, immediately enter a new application using the date the household complied. The date the household provides the information or takes the required action is the date of the new application. The household does not have to submit a new application as long as it is within 60 days of the original application date.
NOTE: It is important to make clear comments regarding the new application date. The comment must include the date the information was provided or the date the interview was completed and the date of the original application.
If a participant provides a new application within 60 days of one being rejected, process the application based on the information provided on the new application. It is not a requirement to provide information requested from the previous rejected application in order to reapply.
Example: Mr. Smith applies for SNAP benefits on 09/10, an interview is completed, and verification of income is requested to complete the SNAP application. Two pay stubs are requested from Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith does not provide the two requested pay stubs; therefore, the application is rejected. Mr. Smith provides ONE pay stub 5 days after his application is rejected. Do NOT enter a new application. Mr. Smith then provides the second requested pay stub 15 days after his application is rejected. The date that Mr. Smith provided the second pay stub is the date entered for the new application. Benefits are prorated from the application date entered.
Agency Error: Refer to the Cancel Rejecting a SNAP Application user guide for instructions on how to cancel reject applications rejected by the system or the worker in error.