Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Manual

1130.040.00 Notices

IM-02 January 23, 2025; IM-68 July 26, 2013; IM-26 March 19, 2004

The eligibility system notifies the household in writing of an approval by generating and mailing the Action Notice. The Action Notice advises the household of:

  • SNAP allotment amount
  • certification period beginning and ending dates
  • variations in benefit level based on changes anticipated at the time of certification
  • an explanation of the initial allotment if it includes benefits for both the month of application and the next month, and a statement indicating the monthly allotment for the remainder of the certification period
  • the right to a fair hearing and the name and telephone number of the person to contact for further information
  • the telephone number of any individual or organization providing free legal representation, if such individual or organization is available
  • the obligation to report changes in circumstances
  • the need to reapply for continued participation at the end of the certification period
  • how the household will receive the benefit; and
  • any other information useful to the household

The eligibility system sends the SNAP Budget Summary, and the SNAP Change Report form according to the type of reporting requirements to which the SNAP household is subject.

The eligibility system sends a notice of expiration if the household is certified for one month only or if the household is certified for two or three months in the month following the month of application.

The eligibility system sends an Action Notice at rejection that notifies the SNAP household of the following:

  • the reason for rejection
  • the household’s right to a fair hearing and the name and telephone number of the person to contact for additional information; and
  • the telephone number of any individual or organization providing free legal representation, if any such individual or organization is available

The SNAP household may request a hearing due to the adverse action on the case. The hearing may be requested in person, in writing, or by telephone. Refer to 0130.020.20.25 Completing a Hearing Request