1140.000.00 Simplified Reporting

1140.005.05 Change Reported Timely

IM-52 May 30, 2013; IM-36 April 22, 2010; IM-80 August 27, 2004; IM-14 January 23, 2003

A reported change, other than a change in source of income, is considered timely if it is reported by the 10th day of the month following the month in which the change occurred.

A change in the source of income is considered timely if it is reported by the 10th day of the month following the date the first check is received.

Consider the date a change is reported as the:

  • date of personal contact, email contact, online upload received from mydss.mo.gov, or telephone/fax contact
  • date the change report form or other correspondence from the household was received
  • date the agency learns of a change in the household’s circumstances from a source other than the household

If a household fails to report timely, determine the impact on their benefits. If an overissuance occurred, refer to section 1142.000.00 SNAP Claims Determinations. If an underissuance occurred, the change is acted on for the month it is reported. The household is not eligible for restored benefits for months prior to the month the change is reported.