1142.000.00 SNAP Claims Determinations

1142.035.10 Determining the Amount of the Claim

IM-65 July 12, 2023; IM-52 May 30, 2013; IM-36 April 22, 2010; IM-40 May 28, 2008; IM-142 December 2, 2005

The staff responsible for establishing the claim obtains the needed information and computes a budget for each month of the overpayment period.

The correct benefit amount for each month as determined from the claim budgets and the amount actually received by the household is entered in the Claims and Restitution System (CARS.) CARS uses this information to determine the overpayment amount.

  • For Inadvertent Household Error (IHE) and Suspected Program Violation (SPV) claims involving earned income, do not apply the earned income deduction to that part of any earned income that the household failed to report in a timely manner when that is the basis for the claim.
  • For Administrative Error (AE) claims involving earned income, apply the earned income deduction.

Identify all responsible household members in CARS (seeĀ 1142.040.00 Responsible Members); the system then tracks payment responsibility for each person. The claim is established when CARS generates the demand letter.

For trafficking claims, the Welfare Investigation Unit (WIU) determines the amount of the claim as part of their investigation. WIU notifies the Program Integrity Unit (PIU) of the period of time in which trafficking occurred and the amount of benefits that was used inappropriately. This determines the claim period and the claim amount.