The household or authorized representative may continue to contact the FSD to report changes after a hearing request is received by the Income Maintenance Hearings Unit (IMHU). FSD Staff will continue to update pending hearing cases, enter verifications, and applications in the eligibility system(s).
Changes reported could be, but not limited to:
- changes in income, earned or unearned.
- individuals moving in or out of the household.
- change of physical and/or mailing address
- updating shelter and utility costs (rent, electricity, phone etc.)
- adjusting medical expenses (prescription and office visit copays, current spenddown amount etc.)
- court ordered expenses paid or received.
- entering audit dates and/or begin renewal with date the reinvestigation was received.
FSD will provide advance notice of adverse action if benefits are reduced or terminated for other reasons while the hearing decision is pending.
Do not to void any previous adverse actions placed on HOLD or OVERRIDE due to a hearing request. Cases of this type are to be treated in the following manner:
- Enter the reported changes into the eligibility system(s) and make needed comments.
- Send an email including the participant’s DCN (do not put DCN in subject line) and reported changes to
- IMHU staff will review the pending changes same day and determine if the HOLD and or OVERRIDE can be lifted.
- IMHU staff will authorize the changes as reported in the email and reach out to the participant to discuss impact of reported changes on the case(s) with the pending hearing.
Actions directly related to the issue of the hearing request cannot be taken until:
- The final hearing decision is made and/or the issue is resolved.
- The participant or authorized representative withdraws the hearing request (0130.020.70.15 Household Withdraws Hearing Request)
- FSD rescinds the action (0130.020.70.10 FSD Rescinds the Action)
- The SNAP certification period expires.