0865.000.00 Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB)

0865.015.05 Buy-In for QMB

IM-22 March 9, 2022; IM-05 January 20, 2012

Under the QMB program, the state pays the recipient’s Medicare premiums, both Part A (if a premium payer) and Part B. Part B premiums are paid through the Buy-In system. The MO HealthNet Division (MHD) Buy-In Unit handles payment of Part A premiums through a separate process.

All buy-in related issues for Missouri participants should be sent to the Medicare Buy-In Unit’s email address. This email address is MHD.MEDICARE-BUYIN@dss.mo.gov.

The purpose of this email address is to provide a centralized location for Family Support Division (FSD) staff, MHD staff, etc., to send emails to when buy-in needs to be started, restarted, checked, or ended.