0805.000.00 Eligibility

0805.015.05 Persons Whose Income and Needs Are Considered

IM-79 June 30, 2017; IM-97 November 7, 2013

A claimant’s need is determined as single individual or a married couple.

  1. For a single individual
  2. For a married couple who are living together:
    • Consider the gross income of the couple in determining the adjusted income
    • Do not consider the income and expenses of minor children
    • Consider the medical expenses of the couple in determining whether or not the spenddown is met, when applicable

When a married couple is living together and one spouse is receiving MO HealthNet under Supplemental Nursing Care (SNC), Supplemental Aid to the Blind (SAB), or Supplemental Payments (SP), treat the MO HealthNet for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (MHABD) participant as a single individual; do not consider the income and medical expenses of their spouse in the MHABD eligibility determination. The income maximum is that for a single person.

When the spouse of a MHABD claimant is receiving MO HealthNet under Blind Pension (BP), MO HealthNet for Families (MHF) (with or without a Temporary Assistance (TA) cash grant), MO HealthNet for Kids (MHK), MO HealthNet for Pregnant Women (MPW), or Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA), treat the MHABD participant as a couple and include their spouse’s needs and income (excluding the BP cash grant) in the MHABD eligibility determination.

When a spouse of a MHABD participant is receiving MHF with a TA cash grant, do not include the TA cash grant in the MHABD eligibility determination.

Medical expenses, of the spouse that has coverage under another MO HealthNet program, that are not paid by MO HealthNet, may be allowed to meet the MHABD participant’s spend down. In addition, continue to use the income and expenses of the MHABD participant in determining MHF, MHK, MPW, or TA eligibility if the person meets criteria for inclusion in that assistance group.