MO HealthNet for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (MHABD) Manual

0825.000.00 Eligibility Based on Receipt of Missouri’s Children With Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) Waiver Services

IM-22 April 11, 2024; IM-76 December 23, 2014; IM-114 December 13, 2013; IM-97 November 7, 2013; IM-100 December 7, 2012; IM-72 December 9, 2011; IM-104 December 3, 2008; IM-117 December 7, 2007; IM-109 December 8, 2006; IM-141 November 29, 2005; IM-126 December 2, 2004; IM-169 December 11, 2002; IM-75 December 26, 1995

The Missouri’s Children with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) waiver program, also known as the Sarah Jian Lopez Waiver, provides eligibility for children who receive Home and Community Based (HCB) waiver services, as established in section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act. Under HCB waivers, a state may use Medicaid funding for home and community-based services provided only to a target group of people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities and whose care needs would otherwise require services in an institution. These HCB criteria were effective October 1, 1995.

The purpose of this waiver is to enable children with developmental disabilities to remain with their families rather than enter an institution, group home, or other out of home care. The MOCDD waiver allows the MO HealthNet eligibility requirements of deeming parental income and resources to the child to be waived so children targeted for participation may be determined MO HealthNet eligible. For children in this waiver program, financial eligibility for MO HealthNet is determined based solely on the income and resources of the child.

This waiver provides participants eligibility for all MO HealthNet services in addition to waiver services. It also establishes a higher income level for all children receiving MOCDD waiver services.

Note: Continuous Eligibility for Children (CEC) must be applied to eligible participants under the age of 19. Refer to section 1805.070.00 Continuous Eligibility for Children (CEC) located in the MAGI Manual.