2004 Memorandums
IM-8      01/28/04
Over the past few months, non-work months were incorrectly deleted for a number of individuals subject to the food stamp work requirements.  Deleted non-work months have been identified and as of January 25, 2004, are restored.  FAMIS does not store who deleted the non-work months, therefore, it could not be determined which months were removed by the worker and which months were removed by the system.  All deleted non-work months are restored unless the EU received prorated benefits in one of the deleted non-work months.  Any months in which the EU received prorated benefits are not restored.  The non-work months are restored on both active and inactive individuals.

Action Required

Take the following action:
  • Check reminders.
A reminder is created for active EUs to notify workers which individuals have restored non-work months.  The reminder states "REVIEW NON-WORK MONTHS.  Review and Delete unwanted non-work months."
  • Review non-work months.
Go to the Training/Work Requirements (FMMR) screen and review the non-work months for each individual for whom a reminder is received.  Review information available to determine if the non-work months appearing on the screen for that individual are correct.  If it is determined the individual met the work requirement, was exempt, lived in an exempt or excluded county during any of the non-work months appearing on the Training/Work Requirements (FMMR) screen, delete the month or months.  If it is determined the non-work months appearing on the Training/Work Requirements screen are correct, do not delete those months and go to the next step.
  • Individual has more than six non-work months.
Many of those individuals now have six or more non-work months and will be removed from the EU or their case will be closed if a one person EU.  The system will send a Notice of Adverse Action for removal or closing.
Determine whether or not the individual received benefits in more than six non-work months.  If there are more than six non-work months, determine if the individual qualified for regained months during any of those months.  If the individual qualifies for regained months during any of the non-work months appearing, delete the months as non-work months.  Tab to the command line and type "U".  Answer the question "Have you worked or participated in a work program for 80 hours in a 30-day period?" with a "Y" and type or prompt for the appropriate verification code.  Enter the first month the person qualified for regained months in the "Consecutive Months of Eligibility After Loss of Employment When Client Has Regained Eligibility/Work Requirement Codes" field.
If the individual does not qualify for regained eligibility or has already used the regained months, determine whether or not a claim should be established.
  • Claims
If it is determined an active individual received benefits for more than six non-work months while not meeting the work requirement, establish a claim for benefits received while not meeting the work requirement.
  • Inactive Individuals
Review the non-work months for all individuals subject to the work requirement at application or reapplication.  If it is determined the individual met the work requirement, was exempt, or lived in an exempt or excluded county during any of the non-work months appearing on the Training/Work Requirements (FMMR) screen, delete those months.  If it is determined the non-work months appearing are correct, and there are more than six non-work months, determine if the individual qualified for the regained months during any of those months.  Follow the instructions outlined in the "Individual has more than six non-work months" step above.
Non-work months entered on the Training/Work Requirements (FMMR) screen, are no longer deleted when the application is subsequently rejected.  ALWAYS review the non-work months when taking an application or reapplication.
  • Review this memorandum with all appropriate staff.
  • Review all individuals for whom a reminder is received immediately.
  • Take action as outlined above.