2005 Memorandums
IM-124      10/21/05




Effective October 23, 2005, two new edits and an ISD (insufficient data) have been added to FAMIS for the Food Stamp Program to alert workers that a utility standard decision is needed or is in question. The edit “Successfully Updated – Press F14 to check Utility Standard decision” appears on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen when utility expenses are added or changed in FAMIS. The edit “Utility expense exists, please review utility standard decision” appears on the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen when a utility expense is entered but no standard is entered.

An ISD will occur for income eligibility determination if there are utility expenses on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen and no standard or an inappropriate standard is entered on the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen.

FAMIS serves as the electronic record for the EU’s information. Staff must enter all the shelter expenses an EU claims into FAMIS. Entering only one expense is not sufficient. Correct eligibility determinations can only be made if FAMIS contains all of the EU’s information.


Enter the appropriate shelter expenses on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen, press CTRL, and the message “Successfully ADDED” displays. FAMIS flows to the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen in the controlled flow. Review existing information or add new information as appropriate and press CTRL. To review the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen, press F19=PREVQUES. If the information entered is correct, press F9=FLOWFWD. Review the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen to ensure the correct standard has been used. If the information is correct, press F9=FLOWFWD to proceed with the application.

NOTE: If a utility expense is entered on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen and no entry is made on the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen, FAMIS highlights the empty fields and the edit “A utility standard decision is required” appears. FAMIS requires an entry to be made prior to flowing forward.

When a utility standard exists from a previous application, the message “Utility expenses exist, please review utility standard decision” does not appear on the Utility Expenses Standard (FMXJ) screen. The income eligibility determination will be an ISD on the Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary (FM30) screen if the utility standard entered does not match the utility expense entered on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen.

NOTE: FAMIS does not distinguish when to use the Non-Heating/Cooling Standard (NHCS) and the Lower Utility Allowance (LUA). Follow policy outlined in the Food Stamp Manual section 1115.035.25.15 Mandatory Utility Standards, to determine the appropriate standard to use.

To resolve the ISD, select the month of the ISD and press F16=BUDSUM. The Budget Summary (FM4A) screen will appear with an ISD next to the “Total Shelter Exp” field. Press F15=EXPSUM to view the shelter expenses. Select the expense and press F6=DETAILS to view the utility expense entered on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen. Press F14=UTILSTD to view the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen.

After data is corrected on the Utility Standard (FMXJ) screen, press F21=RETURN to return to the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen. Press F21=RETURN to return to the Expense Summary (FM34) screen, F21=RETURN to return to the Budget Summary (FM4A) screen, and F21=RETURN to return to the Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary (FM30) screen. Press F20=EDRES to complete a new eligibility determination.

NOTE: When the case is in the controlled flow, staff cannot run an eligibility determination (EDRES). Staff must do the returns to get back to the Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary (FM30) screen.

Before authorizing any actions in FAMIS, review the Budget Summary (FM4A) screen. If the appropriate standard does not appear on the budget, review the information entered on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) and Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screens.

NOTE: FAMIS recognizes, by the information entered on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen, when to use the Standard Utility Allowance (SUA). If a primary heating/cooling expense is entered on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen and no entry is made or an incorrect entry is made on the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen, FAMIS displays a message for staff on the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen.
FAMIS also knows when the Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) is being used but no primary heating/cooling expense is entered on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen. The income eligibility determination will be an ISD on the Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary (FM30) screen.

Active Cases – not subject to Simplified Reporting

For active cases that are not subject to simplified reporting, when changes are reported that affect shelter expenses, update the information on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen. The message “Successfully Updated-Press F14 to check Utility Standard decision” appears. Press F14=UTILSTD and review the information or enter new information, as appropriate, on the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen and press CTRL. Complete a new eligibility determination (EDRES).

The income eligibility determination will be an ISD on the Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary (FM30) screen if the correct utility standard is not entered in FAMIS. To resolve the ISD, select the month of the ISD and press F16=BUDSUM. The Budget Summary (FM4A) screen will appear with an ISD next to the “Total Shelter Exp” field. Press F15=EXPSUM to view the Expense Summary (FM34) screen. Select the expense and press F6=DETAILS to view the utility expense entered on the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen. Press F14=UTILSTD to view the Utility Expense Standard (FMXJ) screen. Review the information and make changes as necessary. To review the Shelter Expense (FMXK) screen press F21=RETURN.

Complete a new eligibility determination (EDRES). Review the budget information prior to authorizing the action that FAMIS recommends. Enter comments to explain the change in shelter expenses.

Active Cases – subject to Simplified Reporting

Policy is not changed for simplified reporting EUs. If a simplified reporting EU reports a change in shelter expenses, follow policy outlined in Food Stamp Manual sections 1115.035.25.20 and 1140.005.20.55. Verify only the information required by Simplified Reporting policy. Follow the steps above to enter the information into FAMIS. If the benefits increase, take the action. If the benefits are to be reduced, do not take action. Record a comment concerning the changes and disregard the action to reduce benefits.

The Food Stamp Manual section 1115.035.25.15, Mandatory Utility Standards, is revised to include this process.



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