Effective immediately, the following categorical eligibility reasons are no longer included for the expanded categorical eligibility and are removed from the FAMIS codes on the Categorical Eligibility (FMMK) screen.
- CCM - Contracted Case Management Services
- PFS - Parents Fair Share
Evaluate EU members who currently have CE reason code CCM or PFS to see if a different CE reason code is appropriate. Remove or change the CE reason code as appropriate at the next eligibility determination.
Complete the following steps to remove or change the CE reason code:
- type “a” on Command line;
- tab to COM line and type “s” to select the individual;
- tab to CE and place a “y” or “n”;
- tab to effective date and enter the “=” for current date;
- tab to reason and enter the appropriate CE code or delete CCM or PFS code;
- press enter;
- and press F9=FLOWFWD, if in the controlled flow or;
- if in maintenance, type “FM3Y” or EDRES on the command line and press enter.
For simplified reporting EUs, this is a change in policy and any action that decreases benefits or closes the case must be acted upon in FAMIS.
The Food Stamp Manual sections discussing categorical eligibility policy are being revised. The revision will be available upon completion.
- Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.
- Remove existing CE reason codes CCM and PFS at the next eligibility determination.