With the implementation of the Family Medical Assistance programs in FAMIS, changes are made to the following screens:
- Assignment/Referral (FM86 or ASSIGN)
- Temporary Assistance Information (FM8D or TAINFO)
- Earned Income Disregards (FMXT or DISREGRD)
The DV (Domestic Violence) indicator is removed from this screen. With the implementation of the Family Medical Assistance programs into FAMIS, the DV indicator is moved to the Person Detail (FM0I or PRSNDTL) screen and is captured at the individual level.
The statement “I understand that for Temporary Assistance cash, I agree to send any future child support, maintenance, and alimony to the Child Support Enforcement Unit” is removed from the Assignment/Referral (FM86 or ASSIGN) screen. For Temporary Assistance applications, this information is moved to the Interview Summary. Continue to discuss this requirement with the applicant prior to obtaining his/her signature on the form.
The “Medical Support (Y/N)” field has been added to capture the details about whether or not the individual agrees to cooperate with obtaining medical support for Family Medical Assistance programs. A good cause field for medical support has been added to capture information concerning good cause for medical support.
The Assignment/Referral screen display is now dynamic based on the program application. Information on this screen will display as follows:
- Temporary Assistance applications:
- The “Answer (Y/N)” field is renamed to “Cash (Y/N)” and displays for Temporary Assistance applications.
The “Good Cause” field for cash assistance displays for Temporary Assistance applications.
- Family Medical Assistance applications:
- The “Medical Support (Y/N)” field displays for all Family Medical Assistance applications.
- The “Good Cause” field for medical support displays for all Family Medical Assistance applications.
- The “Cash (Y/N)” field does not display for Family Medical Assistance only applications.
NOTE: This screen always displays for combination Temporary Assistance and Family Medical Assistance program applications and contains all fields for combination Temporary Assistance and Family Medical Assistance program applications.
Temporary Assistance Information (FM8D or TAINFO)
This screen is renamed to TA/MA Information. With the integration of the Family Medical Assistance programs into FAMIS, this screen and the information that displays is dynamic based on the program benefits being requested.
Temporary Assistance applications - this screen displays in all Temporary Assistance controlled flows. The “Subsidized Housing” and deeming portions of the screen will continue to display for Temporary Assistance applications.
- Family Medical Assistance applications - the only information that displays on this screen for Family Medical Assistance applications is the deeming portion. As a result, this screen will only display for those cases that require information to complete the deeming process.
Earned Income Disregards (FMXT or DISREGRD)
Earned income disregards are program specific and must be entered separately for each program in order for FAMIS to apply the disregard to the case(s). The “PGM” field has been added to indicate the program to which the disregard applies.
The “Number of Months” field is no longer enterable on the Earned Income Disregards screen. FAMIS now populates this field based on information entered and/or tracked by the system. The system tracks the receipt of disregards used in Missouri and a tracking screen has been added to capture information about the usage of earnings disregards in other states. When an applicant indicates that s/he has received benefits in another state, determine whether an earning disregard was applied in that state and enter that information on the Earned Income Disregard Tracking screen. To access the disregard tracking screen, press F15=TRACK on the Earned Income Disregards screen. The Earned Income Disregards user guide is developed to assist staff with this screen.
- Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.