2007 Memorandums
IM-45      05/18/07

P.O. BOX 2320



Conversion of the Family Medical Assistance programs to FAMIS is underway. Conversion of the pilot counties has been completed and the first statewide rollout will occur May 21, 2007. During county conversion, all active Family Medical Assistance (Medical Assistance for Families, MC+ for Children, MC+ for Pregnant Women, Transitional Medical Assistance, Extended Women's Health, and Newborn) cases and pending applications for these programs will be converted to FAMIS; closed and rejected cases will not be converted. When a closed or rejected individual applies for benefits after a county converts, the individual data will convert to FAMIS at the time of application.

Family Medical Assistance case information remains available and current in Legacy up to the time of conversion. Legacy cases will close with closing reason “88” at conversion; at that point information will no longer be updated in the Legacy system. For Legacy cases and cases on the Manual Conversion List (MCL), reports will continue to be produced from Legacy; FAMIS will generate reports for cases that have converted to the FAMIS system. Once a county has converted to FAMIS, staff will not be able to register or approve applications, complete interim changes or issue benefits in the Legacy system for Family Medical Assistance programs. All changes and new applications must be processed in FAMIS. Process converted cases as soon as possible to ensure automated processes work as designed.

The conversion process for the Family Medical Assistance programs differs from conversions of previous programs into FAMIS. In the Legacy system, the potential exists for one or more heads of household to have multiple cases to ensure the best coverage for recipients (example: children placed as head of household due to Legacy system assistance group limitations). FAMIS is designed to determine and approve the best coverage without splitting the members into multiple cases. As a result, at conversion, FAMIS will convert multiple cases listed for one or more heads of household into one Eligibility Unit. Cases cannot fully convert to FAMIS because Legacy does not capture all information the system needs to make a determination of eligibility. As a result, each case will either be:

NOTE: Each case will be placed in the MCL or controlled flow under the Eligibility Specialist whose worker number appears on the Legacy case. Placement on either list is not based on the load number.


Cases may be placed into the controlled flow at conversion or following resolution of a Manual Conversion List problem(s). Cases without address problems, multiple Eligibility Units at the same address, unknown Eligibility Unit members, or missing or incomplete data or dates in Legacy will convert into the controlled flow. Cases with one or more of the above problems will be placed on the Manual Conversion List for resolution of the problems prior to being placed in the controlled flow.

Process all cases through the controlled flow as soon as possible. As long as the case is in the controlled flow, new actions cannot be completed and FAMIS cannot manage cases as designed. Delaying the completion of the conversion process can lead to eligibility problems resulting from the system not having all necessary information to process case actions.

When processing cases through the converted controlled flow follow these important guidelines:

The alert, “CONVERTED CASE PLACED IN CONTROLLED FLOW” displays and remains on the Alert Reminder List screen when a case is placed in the controlled flow. This alert remains on the Alert Reminder List screen until the case is processed through the flow. For information on accessing cases in the controlled flow, refer to the Entering the Interrupted Controlled Flow User Guide.


Cases that cannot be converted to the controlled flow at conversion will be placed on the Manual Conversion List (MCL). Individuals will continue to receive the level of care assigned in Legacy until the case is processed through the controlled flow. For instructions on viewing the MCL, refer to the Viewing and Updating the Manual Conversion List and Requesting Conversion for Family Medical Assistance User Guide. Cases will convert to the MCL as a result of one or more of the following problems:

The MCL screen is modified to accommodate the Family Medical Assistance conversion process. The following enhancements have been made to this screen to assist workers in managing cases on the list:

Entries may be changed on the MCL the same day they are entered. If an error is not corrected, the system may convert the EU incorrectly. For instructions on changing an entry, refer to the Viewing and Updating the Manual Conversion List and Requesting Conversion for Family Medical Assistance User Guide.


Each county must develop a plan of action to completely convert cases as soon as possible. Income Maintenance Program and Policy and the FAMIS Unit developed the following prioritized list to provide guidance to counties as to which cases should be processed first. Utilize the most recent case management report to identify and process cases in the following order:

  1. Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA)/Child Support Closings - to ensure that quarterly reports continue to be generated timely;

  2. MC+ for Pregnant Women (MPW) - to ensure a timely closing or transition to Extended Women's Health Services (EWHS);

  3. Reinvestigations - FAMIS does not currently generate the reinvestigation notice for the Family Medical Assistance programs. This form should be available in FAMIS in the near future. Upon conversion it is important that the county have an action plan in place to ensure reinvestigations remain current. Utilize the Case Management Report to mail reinvestigation forms to allow for timely completion of reinvestigations;

  4. CHIP Premium cases;

  5. Family Medical Assistance cases with 19 year old children;

  6. Newborn cases with children turning age 1;

  7. MC+ for Children cases with children turning ages 1 and 6;

  8. MAF/MC+ for Children cases with children turning ages 1 and 18; and

  9. EWHS cases.


Double Stepparent Cases

Double Stepparent Cases Converting From Legacy - MAF/MC+ cases which contain parents with their own children (no in-common children in the assistance group, commonly referred to as “double stepparent” cases) will create an adverse action to remove the second parent and his/her children. When there are no in-common children and the parent of the child is in the home, that parent must apply for his/her child.

When cases that contain stepparents and no in-common children are taken through the controlled flow, the system will create an adverse action to remove the second parent and his/her children. Do not void this action as it is correct. If the paper case record contains an application with both parents' signatures, enter a separate application in FAMIS for the parent and children being removed from the Eligibility Unit and process the application when possible. If the parent being removed from the Eligibility Unit has not signed an application in the case record, immediately send the MC+ application to the parent. When the application is received, register and process the application appropriately.

Medicaid for Pregnant Women Cases

Women approved for Medicaid for Pregnant Women (MPW) are eligible for continuous coverage regardless of information entered into FAMIS at conversion. MPW budgets for converted cases will not transfer to FAMIS from Legacy and a new determination will not be completed based on income information entered during the conversion. A message displays on the budget summary screens in FAMIS to notify the worker that the budget for the converted MPW case is maintained in Legacy. Although eligibility for MPW is not impacted at conversion, to ensure accurate data is maintained in the system, enter current income for the mother when converting the case. Take the following steps when converting MPW cases into FAMIS:

Transitional Medical Assistance Cases

Individuals on converted cases which are receiving Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) must have the original TMA information placed on the Extended MAF screen. Enter TMA information even if the last month of TMA eligibility is the month the case converts.

An “ISD” (Insufficient Data) may display in the Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary screen (FM30) under the “EXT MAF” column after completing an EU case flow or an Eligibility Determination Resolution (EDRES). This indicates that the information in the system supports the EU as potentially eligible for TMA, but the information is incomplete. Entries must be completed that allows FAMIS to know whether or not the assistance group met the TMA requirements.

MC+ for Children Premium cases

An “ISD” (Insufficient Data) may display in the Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary screen (FM30) under the “CHIP” column after completing an EU case flow or an Eligibility Determination Resolution (EDRES). This indicates that the information in the system supports the EU as income-eligible for CHIP, but more is necessary to complete the determination. Entries must be completed that allows FAMIS to know whether or not the assistance group met the CHIP requirements.

19 Year-Olds Aging Out

Once cases are fully converted in FAMIS, the system will generate the exparte process for children turning 19. For cases where children turn 19 the month of conversion, do not attempt to remove the child's eligibility. The system will initiate the exparte process the end of the month the case is fully converted.

Unexpected Results


The process to transfer a case depends upon whether it is active in a FAMIS or Legacy county and whether the receiving county has been converted. Continue to transfer closed or expired EUs following current procedures. Once a Family Medical Assistance EU is converted to FAMIS it is maintained in FAMIS. Any attempt to update the EU in Legacy will result in the edit “COUNTY HAS BEEN CONVERTED TO FAMIS.” For instructions on transferring a FAMIS EU, refer to the Change of Address User Guide.

When an address change is reported that will move a Family Medical Assistance EU from a Legacy county to a FAMIS county, the Legacy worker follows current procedures to request authorization to transfer the EU. The FAMIS worker then takes appropriate action to convert the case into FAMIS. For instructions on transferring a Legacy EU to a FAMIS county or caseload, refer to the Transferring a Legacy EU to FAMIS User Guide.



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