- TO:
The purpose of this memo is to notify staff that an updated version of the Request for Information (FA-325) form is available as of December 9, 2013, and to clarify the appropriate methods of distribution for the FA-325.
An FA-325 can be generated by FAMIS during the application or adjustment processes, in the controlled flow, or after completing an eligibility redetermination (EDRES) if there is a PEND for any eligibility factor. The FA-325 can also be created or edited by an Eligibility Specialist (ES) when there is a PEND for any eligibility factor or when outstanding verification exists on the Outstanding Verification (OUTVERF/FM3M) screen.
Changes to the FA-325 include:
- The form is now front and back.
- The free text (worker entered detailed information) field has moved to the top section of the front page of the form.
- The generic listing of outstanding verification items has moved to the bottom section of the front page of the form.
- The worker name, phone number, and load number auto text has been eliminated.
- A fax number field has been added to the top right of the front page.
- The FSD Information Center number has been added to both the bottom section of the front page and the top section of the back page.
- An explanation of acceptable documentation has been added to the bottom section of the back page of the form.
Workers are encouraged to use the free text options to better communicate with the customers.
Tips for Effective Use of the FA-325
- FA325 forms are program specific.
Example: Only those items needed for Adult MO HealthNet should be listed on the FA325 for Adult MO HealthNet, and only Food Stamp items on the Food Stamp FA325.
- Use the free text option at the top of the front page of the FA-325 to provide your customer with a detailed explanation of what verification is needed to process their application(s)/case(s).
- Use the free text option at the top of the front page of the FA-325 to provide your contact information (including extension) if you need the customer to contact you directly.
- Enter the fax number of the location where the verification should be submitted and/or processed in the "fax" field. It is strongly recommended that the fax number be entered, as this gives the participant a way to submitted requested verification quickly.
Printing the FA-325 Request for Information:
Any FA-325 that is created by the ES, or created by FAMIS and edited by the ES, must be printed at the local office and mailed or given to the participant. FA-325 forms generated by FAMIS and not edited will be mailed through the overnight batch process. Refer to Income Maintenance memorandum IM-137 FA-325 Request for Information Form dated December 27, 2004.
To determine whether or not an FA-325 must be printed and mailed locally, or if it will be sent by batch mail, the ES should review the Document Queue (DOCQUE/FMVM) screen for the participant. The field "O/B" will show:
- "O" (generated online) means the worker used the F23=FA325 to create the document. The RDPRT (ready to print) document was printed and the status changed to PRNTD (printed). If a document has a designation of "O" it was printed in the office and the ES is responsible to provide a copy of the FA325 to the participant.
EXCEPTION: When the worker follows the steps above but leaves the document in RDPRT status (does not print the document), the document will be designated "O" until the batch runs. When the batch runs, FAMIS will change the designation to "B".
- "B" (batch) means the document has been or will be picked up in the nightly batch process and printed at the data center. The FA-325 is printed at the data center in the following situations:
- The batch checks for any RDPRT FA-325s and will print the document in batch, as noted above.
- If verification is pending for an eligibility factor, the FA-325 will appear in document queue the following day after the batch has run.
The only time an FA325 will have a "B" designation is after the status has been changed to "PRNTD". So a worker can only "re-print" an FA325 that has a "B" designation.
The FA-325 may be edited and text added by following the steps in Editing and Adding Text to the FA325 in the FAMIS User Guides.
- Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.