Section 5, Chapter 1 (Case Records and Filing), Subsection 1 – Hotline Record Reports

Effective Date:  4-28-20


Records regarding hotline reports (whether CA/N Reports or Non-CA/N Referrals) shall be maintained via the FACES system and OnBase (Document Imaging). This includes signed copies of all CA/N report disposition letters and certified mail receipts (green cards) in order to maintain documentation of notification of the disposition of the report. It shall be the supervisor’s discretion to determine if documents shall be maintained in paper form.  This may include documents that contain client signatures.  The electronic signature in FACES on the CPS-1 shall be considered official by both the supervisor and the worker.

If a paper record must be established, the pink cover sheet shall be used to identify the specific incident to which the information pertains.

Audio and Video Files

These types of files are sometimes acquired or produced by staff when completing CA/N Reports or Non-CA/N Referrals. The Division will not retain copies of recorded forensic interviews. All other audio or video files shall be uploaded to OnBase.

A summary of the audio/video file must be included in FACES to convey how this evidence impacted the Division’s decision.


Related Memos and Practice Points:

4-28-20 – PA20-IA-02 – Audio and Video Uploads to OnBase