Section 5, Chapter 4 (Case Record Transfer Procedures), Subsection 1 – Intact Family Transfers

Effective Date:  5-1-19


There are several occasions when the Division works with a family that may occur that triggers a case transfer. Below are procedures for three different scenarios.

4.1.1 Intact Family Moves from County

When an intact family has moved from the county, the Children’s Service Worker shall:

  • Confirm with the family or collateral that the family has moved, or determine when the family is moving;
  • Obtain the new address or location of the family;
  • Record all activities, up to the date of last contact, within ten working days.

4.1.2 Intact Family Remains in State

If the intact family remains in Missouri, the Children’s Service Worker shall, in addition to the above:

    • Evaluate the current risk factors and determine if Children’s Division (CD) can end its involvement with the family. Supervisory consultation is required;
    • If the evaluation of current risk factors indicates CD should continue to work with the family, the Children’s Service Worker must complete and send the CD-175 to the circuit where the family is now located. The worker should provide a brief summary of CD involvement with the family and the current risk factors;
    • The new county of residence shall verify residence and authorize the record to be transferred within ten working days;
    • Upon authorization to transfer (by phone, return of form CD-175, or by e-mail response) from the new county of residence, update the FCS function in FACES and transfer the record.

NOTE: If the case file is uploaded to the document imaging system, a paper record does not need to be mailed.

4.1.3 Intact Family Moves from State

 If the family has moved out of Missouri, the Children’s Service Worker shall

  • Evaluate the current risk factors and determine if closure is appropriate. Supervisory consultation is required to assist in this determination;
  • If the current risk factors indicate closure would not be appropriate, contact the public child protection agency in the new state of residence by letter or phone, depending on the evaluation of risk. Provide the following information:
    • A summary of why CD was involved with the family; and
    • A summary of current risk factors.
  • Close the FCS function in FACES. The family record will not be transferred out of state.