Section 5, Chapter 4 (Case Record Transfer Procedures), Subsection 3 – Parent of Child in Alternative Care

Effective Date:  5-1-19


This subsection discusses procedures for transferring the cases of parents of children who are in the custody of the Division.  Below are procedures for different scenarios.

4.3.1 Parent of Child in alternative Care Moves Within the State

When a parent of a child in Alternative Care moves to another county, the Children’s Service Worker shall:

  • Confirm with the parent or collateral that the parent has moved.
  • Notify the CD office by sending the CD-175 via email to the circuit in which the parent has moved.
  • Complete the recording of all contacts and confer with the new circuit about roles and responsibilities. Close any service authorizations in the former circuit that are no longer needed.
  • Ensure that the receiving circuit has any and all information needed to work with the family. Document Imaging is a useful tool to ensure access to the case information.

The Children’s Service Worker in the receiving county shall:

  • Confirm the family’s residence and notify the sending county within five days.
  • Update the FACES when the family is assigned to a Children’s Service Worker.
  • Reauthorize any necessary Children’s Treatment Services or PS child care, if these services are still necessary and available.

4.3.2 Parent of Child in Alternative Care Moves Out of State

When a parent of a child in Alternative care moves out of state, the Children’s Service Worker shall:

  • Confirm with the parent or collateral that the parent has moved.
  • Write to the public child welfare agency in the state where the parent resides to initiate services. If the initial contact is via telephone, a letter must follow.
  • Continue to contact the parent and provide case management services as is possible.