Section 6, Chapter 2 (Resource Development Training-), Subsection 2, – (In-Service Training)

(Effective 5/28/2024)

2.2 In-Service Training

InService Training is a requirement for resource provider re-licensure. Licensed resource providers complete in-service training to enhance their skills and provide support for parenting the foster youth placed in their home. This section reviews the development of a training plan, training requirements, and available in-service training.

2.2.1 Professional Family Development Plan (CD-100)

No later than 30 days of the family becoming licensed, the assigned licensing worker will develop a Professional Family Development Plan, CD-100 with the resource provider. This plan should be a joint process between the resource provider and their licensing worker that assesses the parent’s learning needs in an ongoing, proactive, and purposeful way. Progress on the family training goals will be reviewed quarterly during the home visit and should be updated as necessary. A new CD-100 must be developed when the resource provider license is renewed.

The Professional Family Development Plan has four components:

  • assessment of the resource provider’s present level of competencies,
  • their annual educational goals,
  • methods of reaching those goals, and
  • a way to determine if goals have been met.

2.2.2 In-Service Training Hours and Required Training

Licensed resource providers are required to complete the following number of in-service training hours:

  1. Resource providers are required to complete 30 hours per two-year licensure period.
  2. Level A resource providers are to complete 30 hours per two-year licensure period.
  3. Medical care resource providers are to complete 30 hours per two-year licensure period.
  4. Level B resource providers are to complete 32 hours per two-year licensure period.

2.2.3 Approved In-Service Training

In addition to completing required trainings, resource providers must complete additional in-service trainings to fulfill training hour requirements and training goals identified on their professional family development plan. The preferred method of training delivery is instructor led. Instructor-led training is live, interactive training facilitated by an individual with training and expertise to deliver the training topic. Virtual and hybrid (a combination of virtual and in-person participants) are considered instructor-led. A listing of approved in-service curriculums are located on the Resource Parent Training Code Sheet CD-73.

All licensed Resource providers shall maintain CPR/First Aid certification at least every 2 years including hands on in person skills assessment conducted by a certified CPR Instructor.

The following In-Service training is required every year:

All licensed resource providers shall complete one (1) hour of required annual in-service training on a specified Psychotropic Medication training developed for that calendar year. The required annual Psychotropic Medication Management In-Service trainings will have the following training titles and codes:

  • Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2020 – V170
  • Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2021 – A170
  • Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2022 – B170
  • Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2023 – C170
  • Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2024– D170
  • Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2025 – E170

The following In-Service Trainings are approved statewide for in-service training credit:

The National Training and Development Curriculum’s Right Time Trainings are located at Capacity Building Collaborative Learning Management System ( or Right-Time Training Materials – NTDC Portal and are approved for 1 hour of in-service credit each:

  • Accessing Services and Support V171
  • Building Parental Resilience V172
  • Common Feelings Associated with Being Adopted V173
  • Education V174
  • Family Dynamics V175
  • Increasing Children’s Resilience V176
  • Intercountry Adoptions: Medical Considerations V177
  • Life Story: Birth Story and Adoption Story V178
  • Managing Placement Transitions V179
  • Preparing for Adulthood V185
  • Preparing for and Managing Visitation V186
  • Responding to Children in Crisis V187
  • Sensory Integration V188
  • Sexual Development and Identity V189
  • Sexual Trauma V191

The following NTDC courses are also approved and may be found at Capacity Building Collaborative Learning Management System ( or Classroom-Based Training Materials – NTDC Portal.

  • Foster Care: A Means to Support Families (1.5 hrs)           V192
  • Creating a Stable, Nurturing, Safe Home Environment (2 hrs) V193
  • Expanding Your Parenting Paradigm (1 hr) V194
  • Preparing for and Managing Intrusive Questions (1 hr) V195

Trauma Care, V815 is approved for 3 hours

Credit may be given for completion of the Introduction to Trauma – MIMH Professional Training ( webinar and reading the following four documents from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s Child welfare Trauma Training Toolkit:

  1. Understanding Child Traumatic Stress: A Guide for Parents | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (
  2. What Is Child Traumatic Stress? | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (
  3. Parenting in a Challenging World | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (
  4. The 12 Core Concepts: Concepts for Understanding Traumatic Stress Responses in Children and Families | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (


Laws, policies and procedures governing child welfare, V400 is approved for 5 hours


Credit may be given for completion of Legal Aspects trainings located on the Children’s Division | Missouri Department of Social Services ( website:

  1. The Legal Aspects of Concurrent planning
  2. The Legal Aspects for Relative Placement training

Importance of Sibling Placement, V804 is approved for 7 hours

The National Resource Center for Foster Care and Permanency Planning Hunter College School of Social Work’s Sibling Practice Curriculum may be used for instructor led training.

Ready, Set, Fly Training, V706 is approved for 5 hours

This training is recommended for foster families accepting placement of foster youth age 14 or older (Ideally, this training would be completed prior to the placement of a child age 14 or older in the home.)

Resource Provider Curriculum (RPC)

This training is a workshop on caring for children who have experienced trauma. It is specifically designed for resource parents.

Additional Resources:

2.2.4  Elevated Needs Training

In addition to the MO C.A.R.E. pre-service training, resource providers receive specific training to enable them to work with youth with elevated needs. A list of approved Elevated Needs training curriculums is located on the intranet page.

The following competencies are required of those resource providers who choose to be contracted to provide foster care for youth with elevated needs:

Promote Successful Integration into the Family and the Community

  • Understanding how much supervision the youth requires (before placement occurred and during current placement)
  • Assist the youth in adjusting to a new school and community
  • Transitioning the youth into another setting

Meeting Exceptional Care Needs (for Special Needs and/or Traumatized Youth)

  • Addressing those needs that are not developmental (social, emotional, daily care)
  • Understanding risk factors in the community, school and home setting
  • Understanding but not diagnosing mental illness and other developmental delays

Assessing Crisis Situations and Utilizing Proper Crisis Intervention/Prevention

  • Understanding what a crisis is
  • Using appropriate skill sets to de-escalate crisis situations
  • Understanding attention seeking behaviors and knowing when to respond
  • Understanding power, authority, and control
  • Setting fair and consistent limits
  • Understanding risk factors in the community, school and home setting

Recognizing and Implementing Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviors

  • Identifying challenging behaviors early
  • Clearly defining target behaviors
  • Use of multidisciplinary service team for coordinating care
  • Team-based wraparound services

Level A

Prior to signing the Cooperative Agreement to provide Level A care, the resource provider shall successfully complete the 28 hours of Mo C.A.R.E. pre-service training and 18 hours of specialized training workshops which cover the following topics:

  1. Team and relationship building;
  2. Communication skills;
  3. Behavior management techniques;
  4. Discipline and punishment procedure;
  5. Management of behavior crisis situations;
  6. Development of an individual treatment plan;
  7. De-escalation skills;
  8. Negotiation;
  9. Positive reinforcement technique;
  10. Professional skills for resource providers.

The list of approved Level A training curricula is located on the Resource Development program intranet page.

Level B

Prior to signing the Cooperative Agreement to provide Level B care the resource provider must successfully complete the 28 hours of MO C.A.R.E (as well as the psychotropic training and informed consent). pre-service training, the 18 hours of Youth with Elevated Needs-Level A training, and an additional 9 hours of specialized training and practicum designed specifically for Level B. Level B resource providers must demonstrate acquisition of required knowledge and skills. However, participation in Level B training does not guarantee acceptance into the Level B resource provider program. The Level B training workshops include:

  1. Crisis Intervention – Two (2) hours
  2. Behavior Management – Two (2) hours
  3. Suicide Management – Two (2) hours
  4. Medication Management – Two (2) hours
  5. Family Orientation – One (1) hour (training shall include how the child may impact the resource provider’s family)

For trainings required at license renewal please see Section 6, Chapter 3, Subsection 5. Section 6, Chapter 3 (Resource Family Assessment and Licensing Process), Subsection 5, – (Conducting Resource Home Renewal) – DSS Manuals (

2.2.5 Other In-Service Training

In addition to required trainings and approved in-service trainings, credit may be granted for other in-service training if the following guidelines are met:

  • The resource provider must submit the completed, CD-114esource Family In-Service Training Request form, to the licensing worker prior to participating in the in-service training if the resource provider is requesting mileage or babysitting reimbursement.
  • Prior approval is not required if not claiming reimbursements. However, obtaining prior approval is encouraged since not all training attended may be approved.
  • After review of the request and discussion with the resource provider regarding the request, the licensing worker submits the form to his/her supervisor for approval
  • The worker will notify the resource provider that the training is approved or denied and return the signed CD-114 to the resource provider
  • The resource provider will attend the training and obtain documentation to present to the licensing worker (i.e. brochure, sign-in sheet, syllabus, training handouts, etc.)
  • The resource provider will complete the summary of what was learned on the CD-114 and submit to the licensing worker
  • Training credit hours will be entered locally as Other Approved In-Service Training using the appropriate “99” code for the general topic of the course.
  • If the training is going to become a statewide-accepted training, the Regional Director will submit the requested training to the Professional Development and Training Unit to assign a code number.

Other approved in-service training, including but not limited to Children’s Division sponsored or facilitated trainings, should be competency-based. Flexibility can be allowed for training to occur in various formats such as, but not limited to, small or large group sessions, individual study, readings, coaching, virtual or web trainings, conferences, college courses, etc.

Training should have learning objectives outlined to take into account the participant’s knowledge, skill, willingness and ability to practice and perform the desired parenting to meet the needs of the children in care, or to increase knowledge of local resources that may assist in addressing the needs of the children in care.

Credit may be granted for “educational/informational meetings” (less than eight hours) if the content is related to foster care and pre-approved by the Regional Office. A maximum of 2 hours training credit will be allowed. An attendance sign-in sheet will be completed by participants and attached to a copy of the CD-114. If the request is for attending a support group that may be approved locally.

For resource licenses supervised by private agencies, the resource parent should contact their licensing worker regarding from whom they should obtain pre-approval.

Credit hours for approved training may be granted using the following guidelines:

  • Reading a book; one credit hour for each 50 pages
  • Viewing an instructional training video; actual viewing time rounded to the hour and half hour increments
  • Completion of a web-based training; actual participation time rounded to the hour and half hour increments
  • Resource provider College is a currently pre-approved web-based in-service training resource; training credit for completing Resource provider College courses is as listed on its website
  • Attending a conference; actual time in training session, not to include travel, meal, or personal time
  • Completion of College courses; each semester credit hour earned equals 15 hours of training

The resource provider shall use the , CD-114esource Family In-Service Training Request form for pre-approval of other in-service training credit. If the Regional Office or private agency already has a request form in use, it may be used instead of the CD-114 as long as it contains all of the following information:

  • Name and Vendor Number of the resource provider
  • Date training occurred
  • Training, Book, or Tape title
  • Instructor / Author
  • Competencies addressed (Understand Trauma and Trauma Informed Parenting, Support Families and Maintain Children’s Connections, Understand the Child Welfare System, and the Social, Emotional, and Physical Impact on Children and Families, Understand Cultural Receptivity: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Understand Mental Health and Substance Use’s Impact on Children)
  • Hours of credit requested
  • Signature of licensing worker and his/her supervisor approval
  • Location for resource provider to compose a summary of what was learned including any new parenting skills the provider plans to use in their home or with a specific child

The resource provider may appeal to the Circuit Manger, or Circuit Manger Designee in the Metro areas, if requested in-service training hours are denied by their licensing worker and supervisor. The request should be in writing. The worker and the supervisor must be prepared to provide support for the decision to deny training credit hours. For resource licenses supervised by private agencies, the resource provider should contact their licensing worker regarding to whom they submit an appeal.


Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)


Memoranda History:

CD07-48, CD08-57, CD08-106, CD09-94, CD09-105, CD10-08, CD10-27, CD12-82, CD12-85, CD13-71, CD14-20, CD15-61, CD16-09, CD16-87, CD17-52, CD18-22, CD18-39, CD19-07