Section 6, Chapter 3 (Resource Family Assessment and Licensing), Subsection 5 – (Foster/Adoptive Assessments/Licensing)

(Effective: 02/26/2025)

3.5 Foster/Adoptive Assessments/Licensing

NOTE: A child in Children’s Division (CD) custody can reach the goal of adoption permanency in one of two ways: adoption by the current foster/relative family or placement with a new family.

A foster/relative family must be assessed for adoption if they want to adopt a child in their care. An approved adoptive family must be licensed for foster/adoptive care (FA) if that family requires temporary financial assistance to meet the needs of the child. A foster/adoptive care (FA) license does not apply to foster/relative families already licensed unless maintenance and special services payment is denied because the child is not eligible for Homeless, Dependent, and Neglected (HDN). Relative families, not eligible for maintenance and special expense payments, may become eligible for the foster/adoptive care (FA) license by becoming approved as an adoptive family.

Out-of-Home Care payments may be continued until custody is transferred, the adoption subsidy agreement is approved for an eligible child, or the child is removed from the home, whichever occurs first. If the child is eligible for adoption subsidy, the transfer of custody or the final adoption must be coordinated with the approval of the agreement for subsidy. This will prevent a break in payment.

NOTE: “FA” refers to the vendor type code used to identify that an approved adoptive family has been licensed to provide foster/adoptive care (FA). This code, in combination with the placement type code, “FAH”, differentiates this type of placement plan for a child from adoption by foster parents (foster/adoptive family) who have had that child in their care. The “FA” and “FAH” codes must be reported when the foster/adoptive care (FA) license is approved. A foster or relative family vendor type would be reported as an “AD” vendor type in the ACTS vendor subsystem when the adoption of the child is approved. In ACTS, the child’s placement type would be reported as “ADF” or “ADR,” whichever is appropriate. A vendor may provide more than one type of care. Special action is required in the ACTS vendor subsystem when this occurs.

The foster/adoptive care (FA) license is generated when the “FA” code is reported in the vendor subsystem. The license is sent to the County Office for transmittal to the family.

The Children Services Worker will pursue licensure of an already approved adoptive family for foster/adoptive care (FA) when the family has been selected for and has accepted a child, if temporary financial assistance is needed.

NOTE: CD approved adoptive families may be licensed to provide foster/adoptive care (FA) for children under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court and authorized to receive out-of-home care payments and Medicaid. However, financial assistance shall end when custody is transferred or the child is removed, whichever occurs first. Children under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court are not eligible for adoption subsidy.

Complete an adoptive assessment for a foster/relative family who wants to adopt a child in their care.

Determine that an approved adoptive family meets foster/adoptive care (FA) licensing requirements by receiving a copy of the adoption petition for a specific child, and discussing and obtaining the necessary signatures for the CM-6, Cooperative Agreement for the Purchase of Foster/Adoptive Care (FA) Services.

NOTE: A petition for adoption may be filed before the child is physically placed with the family.

Record all information appropriate to the assessment or licensing requirements.

Make a recommendation for licensure of an approved adoptive family for foster/adoptive care (FA).

Submit completed CM-6 to Contract Management Unit.

Receive notice of approved CM-6 from Contract Management Unit.

Extend a foster/adoptive care (FA) license for subsequent periods of up to nine months until custody is transferred, the Adoption Subsidy Agreement is approved for an eligible child, or the child is removed, whichever occurs first.

NOTE: It is not necessary that placement of the child actually occur for the contract to be signed. But, placement should occur within a reasonable time after licensure. Also, while the license may be extended to accommodate movement in the adoption proceedings, the case plan should include, if needed, actions that will complete the adoption without unreasonable delays.

Make a recommendation for approval of a licensed foster/relative family to adopt the child in their care.

Maintain accurate Vendor Licensure/Approval and Renewal screen in FACES.

Open vendor for foster/adoptive care (FA) for up to nine months, if needed.

NOTE: This includes relative families who are not eligible to receive payment because the child is HDN eligible only. The relative parent(s) must be approved as an adoptive family before licensed as a foster/adoptive (FA) family.

Open the licensed foster/relative family as an adoptive family (AD) when the adoption case plan for a specific child in their care is approved.

NOTE: Relative adoptions include only licensed relative families caring for a IV-E eligible child.

Transmit license to foster/adoptive care (FA) family; or

Notify foster/relative family of approval as an adoptive home.

Allow foster/adoptive care (FA) license to expire for the following reasons:

  1. Family receives custody of the child;
  2. Child is removed from the home;
  3. Family requests termination of the foster/adoptive care (FA) license;
  4. Adoption Subsidy Agreement (CS-SA-2) is approved; or
  5. Adoption is granted if no prior transfer of custody.

When the license expires, close the FA vendor type in FACES.

Follow revocation of license steps in 3.1 of this chapter, if child is removed because a CA/N investigation has found “Preponderance of Evidence” and child is not safe by remaining with the family.

Record all activities, as necessary, and depending on the category of the family adopting the child.

Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)

CS03-05, CS03-51, CD04-05, CD04-79, CD05-80, CD06-29, CD06-46, CD06-60, CD12-84

Memoranda History:
