Section 6, Chapter 5 (Foster Home Utilization and Support), subsection 1, – (Foster Home Utilization)

5.1   Foster Home Utilization:

  1. The resource development worker providing supervision to the home will present the family’s strengths and weaknesses to the child’s worker searching for a suitable placement and attempt to match the foster home to the child.
  2. Ideally, during the first six months following initial licensure, no more than one child at a time should be placed in a foster home, except for a sibling group.
  3. Ensure that foster home licensed capacity is never exceeded except for sibling placements. The number of children in the home includes the resource provider’s own children; natural and adopted.

    NOTE: This does not mean that the number of children in the home is ignored because siblings are placed there. The only time that the number may exceed a total of six children is when there are already children in the home and placing siblings in that home will result in exceeding the limit. If the number then exceeds six, slots should not be filled until the home again is within allowable capacity.

  4. Maintain a log of children placed with the family (CD-104).

  5. Record utilization facts every three (3) months.

Memoranda History:

CD08-109, CD-14-64, CD16-08